- What is XLIFF?
- Why use XLIFF?
- What is the most recent version of XLIFF?
- Where can I find the latest XLIFF specification?
- What is "localisation"?
- How do I convert my localizable data into XLIFF content?
- How do I validate XLIFF documents?
- What does a typical localisation process look like?
- How can XLIFF be used to improve a typical
localisation process?
- What sort of data is contained in an XLIFF document?
- How is data organized in an XLIFF document?
- How many languages can I put in an XLIFF document?
- Can I use my own element and/or attributes in
- Can I use my own attribute values in XLIFF?
- What is the difference between the
and resname attributes?
- What is the recommended extension for XLIFF documents?
- What is the difference between XLIFF and TMX?
- How do I translate an XLIFF document?
- Where can I find examples of XLIFF documents?
1. What is XLIFF?
XLIFF is a specification for the loss-less interchange of
localizable data and its related information. It is tool-neutral, has
been formalized as an XML vocabulary (through XML schema), and features
an extensibility mechanism.
A white-paper describing how to use XLIFF is available for download at the following URL:
2. Why use XLIFF?
XLIFF addresses the following localisation challenges:
- Insufficient interoperability between tools.
- Lack of support for overall localisation workflow.
- Necessity of localisation tools developers to deal with many formats.
- Large number of proprietary intermediate formats.
XLIFF offers customers of localisation services the following advantages:
- Single format for adjunct processing (e.g. quality control in terms of spell
- Less dependency on vendors which are able to work with special formats.
- Tighter control on what goes to localisation (Pre-filtering of what to translate
or not).
- Controlled information flow (author/developer notes, item properties, etc.).
- Identifier-based leveraging.
- All advantages of XML-based processing.
XLIFF offers localisation tools vendors the following advantages:
- Focus on development of core functionality rather treatment of source format.
- Allow usage of tools in new contexts.
- All advantages of XML-based processing.
XLIFF offers localisation services providers the following advantages:
- Single format for adjunct processing (e.g. quality control in terms of spell
- Less dependency on specific localisation tools.
- Controlled information flow (author/developer notes, item properties, etc.).
- Allow usage of tools in new contexts.
- All advantages of XML-based processing.
- Open and standard solution for proprietary formats.
3. What is the most recent version of XLIFF?
The most recent version of XLIFF is version 1.1, and was approved as
an OASIS Committee Specification on 20 May 2003.
4. Where can I find the latest XLIFF specification?
The latest specification for XLIFF can always be found at:
5. What is "localisation"?
LISA, the Localisation Industry Standards Association, defines Localisation
as follows:
"Localisation involves taking a product and making it
linguistically and culturally appropriate to the target locale
(country/region and language) where it will be used and sold."
For more information on localisation and related topics see:
6. How do I convert my localizable data into XLIFF
XLIFF is based on the concept of extracting the source
localisation-related data from the original format, and merging it back
in place after the localisation has been done. Extraction and merge
routines must be developed for each native data type as file filters,
or XSL scripts.
Some open source and commercially available tools provide built-in
support for the more common resource types, so ask your tools vendor
what resource types they support.
Extraction/Merge principle:

The parts that are not related to localisation are preserved
temporarily into the "Skeleton". There are no rules on how to represent
the data in the Skeleton itself, this is left to the discretion of the
filters. XLIFF 1.1 focuses on how to store and organize the extracted
Skeletons can be either embedded directly in the XLIFF document with the <internal-file> element or simply referred to with the <external-file> element.
7. How do I validate XLIFF documents?
You can validate XLIFF documents using the XSD schema provide for this.
The XLIFF schema is available at:
8. What does a typical localisation process look
The translatable content ("resources") of an application, database
or website is first extracted, translated or modified for a given
language or market and finally rebuilt or redeployed. Numerous
commercial tools are available to optimise and reduce the cost of
This use case describes a very primitive localisation process. In
this example, a developer writes code, and hands it off to a
localisation engineer. All of the process complexity exists in the
localisation domain. The localisation engineer receives all of the
resources in their original native format. In order for the native
files to be localised, tool filters must be available that interpret
the localizable resources in the native file, or possibly complicated
multi-tool solutions are required in order to translate all the native
Typical localisation workflow without XLIFF:

Each time a new native format is introduced or when an existing one
is changed, localisation tools engineers who may not be experts in the
native format must revise the tool and/or filter. And since new or
changed resource types are generally discovered when the tools fail
during the midst of a project, supporting internal localisation tools
is a fire fight.
This model is highly reactive, and will inevitably result in project
delays and costs due to frequent retooling. It is also more likely
introduce potential poor quality of translated work due to
misinterpreting data when converting between native format and the
localisation tool's internal data representation.
9. How can XLIFF be used to improve a typical
localisation process?
Below is a use case that illustrates how XLIFF can be used to improve the localization process:
Localisation workflow with XLIFF:

In this model, an XLIFF compliant tool outputs directly to XLIFF and
this file is handed off to the localisation engineers. Another scenario
may be that developers output their work to native files as before, but
before the files are handed off for localisation a pre-processor
converts the data into XLIFF. In each of these use cases, when new
formats are introduced into the development process or existing ones
are changed, developer/publishers are responsible for handing off the
data as XLIFF.
This proactive model simplifies the formats that localisation tools
must support, and removes process complexity in the localisation
engineering domain. It also places the responsibility for converting
the native data to XLIFF with those who are most knowledgeable about
the native format.
A more advance implementation is illustrated below.
Automated workflow with XLIFF and CAT tools:

This use case further extends the workflow to include CAT (Computer
Aided Translation) tools. In this scenario, the XLIFF files are moved
through the workflow as before, but additionally translation memory
fuzzy matches may be added to the XLIFF file as <alt-trans> , and additionally machine translations may also be added. XLIFF tools that support <alt-trans> may present
to the translator these "alternative translations" to enhance their
productivity. Additionally, reference to related glossary data can be stored in
the XLIFF file and handed off to the translator.
10. What sort of data is contained in an XLIFF document?
An XLIFF document contains essentially data that need to be modified in order
to localise the original resources from which the document is created. For example:
- Translatable text
- Coordinates of UI controls
- Font information
- Etc.
It can also contain metadata (information about the data) such as:
- Identifier
- Maximum text length
- Type of resource
- Notes for the translators or the engineers
- Etc.
11. How is data organized in an XLIFF document?
An XLIFF document is composed of one <file> element or more.
Each <file> element corresponds to an original data source,
for example a properties file, a database table, a graphic file, an HTML document,
A <file> element is composed of a optional <header>
and a body <body> . The header is used to store file-level information,
the body contains the data to localise.
The translatable data are stored in <trans-unit> elements,
which can be organised in any levels of <group> elements. Binary
data can also be stored in the file, in <bin-unit> elements.
Example of XLIFF document:
<xliff version='1.1'
<file original="file1.prop" source-language="en-US"
<skl><external-file href="file1.prop"/></skl>
<trans-unit id="1" resname="id1">
<source xml:lang="en-US">Text of string 1.</source>
<trans-unit id="2" resname="id2">
<source xml:lang="en-US">Text of string 2.</source>
<file original="file2.prop" source-language="en-US"
<skl><external-file href="file2.prop"/></skl>
<trans-unit id="1" resname="id1bis">
<source xml:lang="en-US">String 1 file 2.</source>
<trans-unit id="2" resname="id2bis">
<source xml:lang="en-US">String 2 file 2.</source>
See more example of XLIFF documents here.
12. How many languages can I put in an XLIFF document?
An XLIFF document is normally a bilingual file. It has one source language
(the language of the original extracted file), and one target language.
However, the <alt-trans> elements can be in language other
than the source or target one. This is to allow the document to carry translation
candidates (and their own source text) in multiple languages as the example shows
<trans-unit id='1'>
<source xml:lang='fr-fr'>Nouvelle couleur</source>
<alt-trans match-quality='100%'>
<source xml:lang='fr-ca'>Nouvelle couleur</source>
<target xml:lang='en-us'>New color</target>
<alt-trans match-quality='100%'>
<source xml:lang='fr-cm'>Nouvelle couleur</source>
<target xml:lang='en-au'>New colour</target>
In addition, since source and target language are defined at the <file>
element level, and an XLIFF document can contain several <file>
elements, it is technically possible to have an XLIFF document with more than
one source and one target language.
13. Can I use my own element and/or attributes
Yes, it is possible to have user-defined elements and/or attributes in a valid
XLIFF document. You can do this by using the XML namespace mechanism.
The following elements allow non-XLIFF elements: <header> ,
<group> , <tool> , <trans-unit> ,
<alt-trans> , and <bin-unit> .
The following elements allow non-XLIFF attributes: <file> ,
<group> , <trans-unit> , <source> ,
<target> , <tool> , <bin-unit> ,
<bin-source> , <bin-target> , <alt-trans> ,
<mrk> , <g> , <x/> , <bx/> ,
<ex/> , <bpt> , <ept> ,
<ph> , and <it> .
Example of an XLIFF document with a private namespace (in bold):
<xliff version='1.1'
<file original='Project.grf' source-language='en'
datatype='plaintext' xyz:srcroot='C:\Projects\Fiji\Images\en'
xyz:autolink='yes' xyz:work='Thumbnails'>
<trans-unit id='jpemphasis.gif' xyz:screenshot='no'>
<source xml:lang='en'>Emphasis marks</source>
<trans-unit id='btnHome.png' xyz:screenshot='no'>
<source xml:lang='en'>Home</source>
<trans-unit id='btnSearch.png' xyz:screenshot='no'>
<source xml:lang='en'>Search</source>
See the section "Extensibility" in the specification for more information
and examples.
14. Can I use my own attribute values in XLIFF?
Yes, it is possible to have user-defined attribute values in the following
attributes: context-type , count-type , ctype ,
datatype , mtype , restype , size-unit ,
state , state-qualifier , unit , priority ,
and purpose .
User-defined values must start with an "x- " prefix.
Example of an XLIFF document with user-defined values (in bold):
<xliff version='1.1'
<file original='mydata.slk' source-language='en'
<trans-unit id='1:1' restype='x-const'>
<source xml:lang='en'>Root =</source>
<trans-unit id='1:1' restype='x-const'>
<source xml:lang='en'>Number of files =</source>
See the section "Extensibility" in the specification for more information
and examples.
15. What is the difference between the id
and resname attributes?
The id attribute is used to link a <trans-unit>
or an inline element to its original location in the source file from which the
XLIFF document was produced. The id attribute values are determined
by the tool that created the extracted document, they may or may not be the same
as the values of the resname attribute.
The resname attribute holds the original identifier of the text
item extracted in the <trans-unit> element. For example, with
this small properties file:
Some tools may use their own mechanism to link extracted data and the original
<trans-unit id='1' resname='mnuItemFile'>
<trans-unit id='2' resname='mnuItemFileOpen'>
and some others may choose to use the property key:
<trans-unit id='mnuItemFile' resname='mnuItemFile'>
<trans-unit id='mnuItemFileOpen' resname='mnuItemFileOpen'>
16. What is the recommended extension for XLIFF documents?
The recommended extension for XLIFF documents is ".xlf ".
17. What is the difference between XLIFF and TMX?
TMX (Translation Memory eXchange format) is a standard to exchange translation
memory content between tools. A collection of <tu> elements
in TMX has no specific order and contains no mechanism to rebuild the original
Both formats have some elements in common, especially regarding the inline
mark-up elements, but they are variations in the attributes of those elements.
TMX uses only the encapsulation methods for inline codes (there native codes are
enclosed within different elements), while XLIFF provides both the encapsulation
method (using elements very similar to TMX's) and the placeholder method (where
the native codes are removed to the Skeleton file and replaced by a short element
that refers to them, using elements very similar to OpenTag's). TMX allows any
number of languages in the same document. XLIFF is designed to work with one source
and one target language.
TMX can be used in the same framework as XLIFF, for example to carry a translation
memory along with the data to localise.
18. How do I translate an XLIFF document?
There are different ways to translate an XLIFF documents:
With XLIFF-aware translation tools
Such tools have support to read XLIFF document and take advantage of all or
most XLIFF features, such as the pre-translated strings available in <alt-trans>
elements, and so forth.
Such tools do not require any specific pre-processing of the XLIFF document.
With XML-enable translation tools
Any translation that supports XML can be used to translate an XLIFF file. However,
depending on the capabilities of the tool, you may have to ensure a few things
in the XLIFF document.
In XLIFF the source text is in the <source> element, and
the translated text must go in the <target> element. Many XML-enable
tools cannot place the translation of a text in an element different from where
the source was taken, therefore you want to make sure the XLIFF document has a
<target> element with the original text to translate in each
translation unit.
In XLIFF translation units can be marked as "no to be translated",
as in the example below:
<trans-unit translate="no">
<source xml:lang='en'>Non-translatable text</source>
<target xml:lang='mn'>Non-translatable text</target>
Many XML-enabled tools cannot specify that a text is to be translated or not
based on a condition, but rely only on element and attribute names. To work around
this limitation, you must add a temporary element to allow the tool to detect
the parts that should be protected. In the example below, a temporary element
<NTBT> (not to be translated) has been added to enclose the
protected text:
<trans-unit translate="no">
<source xml:lang='en'>Non-translatable text</source>
<target xml:lang='mn'><NTBT>Non-translatable text</NTBT></target>
Such pre-processing can be done very easily by applying the following XSL template
to the XLIFF document:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
<xsl:output encoding="utf-8" />
<xsl:template match="node()|@*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>
<xsl:template match="//trans-unit[@translate='no']/target">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
You must also make sure to remove any temporary elements you have added in
the XLIFF document before it comes back to the tool that will generate the final
localised file.
19. Where can I find examples of XLIFF documents?
Here are a few examples of XLIFF documents:
- Last update: Sept-05-2003