On the Translation of Educational Resources

A Critical Overview

Juan Rafael Fernández García

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Revision History
Revision 0.22005-07-06jrf
Better stylesheets, minor corrections.
Revision 0.12005-07-03jrf
First draft.


After Tim Foster's announcement last 21st of June 2005 of the availability of Sun's long waited for Open Language Tools Project the situation with tools has changed in a very important way. In this talk the author examines the state of the art as regards traditions and applications in the field of translation, especially of educational software, and tries to make clear the need for a new more professional approach.

The official site of this document is http://speches.ofset.org/jrfernandez/rmll2005.

A talk delivered at Dijon, France, at the VI Libre Software Meeting, 2005-07-08.

Table of Contents

1. First case: WIMS modules
What's wrong here?
2. Drgeo, GUI translation the GNU way
3. The problems with PO
4. How to share translation memories?
5. How can teams cooperate better?
6. How to translate documentation and resources?
Solution 1.- Convert to PO files
7. A new solution: XLIFF
Why use XLIFF?
XLIFF Editors
8. Playing with XLIFF
9. The need for “cultural translation
10. And the conclusion?